SSE Profiled on Industrial Talk Podcast with Scott MacKenzie
SSE’s Director of Business Development, Mindy Nunez Airhhart, was featured on the latest episode of Industrial Talk podcast with Scott MacKenzie today! Click here to listen.
From their website: “Industrial Talk is about the future and why we do what we do. We talk to the trailblazers, “outside-the-box” thinkers who impact not just present-day industry processes, but instead map out the future with unique vision and extraordinary courage in order to change the world. We also travel the globe to interview innovators in industry, from petro-chemical manufacturing & oilfield site visits to leaders in education and training.” Thanks, Scott, for having us on!
Links to the business development programs and organizations mentioned by Mindy on the show, as well as others, are below:
Business Development Organizations
Leadership Development Programs
Chambers of Commerce
New Orleans Chamber of Commerce
St. Bernard Chamber of Commerce
Jefferson Chamber of Commerce
River Region Chamber-Commerce
St. Tammany West Chamber of Commerce
Slidell Chamber of Commerce
Houma-Terrbonne Chamber of Commerce
Baton Rouge Chamber of Commerce