Mindy Nunez Airhart Named to CABL’s Leadership Louisiana Class of 2022
SSE Steel Fabrication is pleased to announce Mindy Nunez Airhart, President and CEO, has been named to Council for a Better Louisiana’s 2022 class of Leadership Louisiana. Through a highly-competitive process, 54 current and emerging leaders from across the state were chosen to participate in this year’s cohort.
This marks the program’s 34th year boasting a diverse group of more than 1,400 alumni who are leaders from a cross-section of sectors – civic, business, government, university, professional, cultural, and nonprofit. Together they represent a cadre of committed citizens making a difference in Louisiana.
Major session topics include:
Education and workforce training
Economy and strategies for growth
History and politics
News media
Arts and culture
Criminal justice
Healthcare and poverty
The current class roster can be found here: https://cabl.org/leadership-louisiana/current-class/